Featured Design - Celtic Horses

Featured Design - Celtic Horses

Michael Stewart

Celtic horses are a symbol that has existed throughout history in Celtic cultures. They are often depicted as powerful and majestic animals closely tied to the natural and spiritual realms. They are associated with strength, freedom, and the cycles of life and death.

In ancient Celtic cultures, horses were considered sacred animals and closely tied to the natural and spiritual realms. They were believed to have the power to guide souls to the afterlife and were often used in religious ceremonies and rituals.

The horse was one of the most critical animal allies of the Celts. Epona was the Celtic horse goddess whose authority extended beyond death, assisting the soul on its final journey. The Roman army adopted her cult, spreading her worship wherever they went. She was the only Celtic Goddess to be honored by the Romans with a temple in their capital city. Epona is depicted sitting side saddle, lying on a horse, or standing with multiple horses around her.

Celtic horses were also associated with strength and power, often depicted in art, literature, and other forms of media. They were often used as symbols of freedom and power and associated with the cycles of life and death.

Throughout history, Celtic horses have been depicted in art, literature, and other forms of media. They are a common symbol in Celtic art, particularly in the form of sculptures and reliefs. They remain a famous symbol in modern times, particularly among those who identify with Celtic heritage or spirituality.

Celtic horses are also used in modern times as a symbol of strength, freedom, and the cycles of life and death. They are often used in jewelry, tattoos, and other art forms and are featured in popular fantasy and fiction works.

Overall, Celtic horses are a symbol that has been present throughout history in Celtic cultures. They are closely tied to the natural world and the spiritual realm, associated with strength, freedom, and the cycles of life and death. They are a common symbol in Celtic art and a famous symbol in modern times, particularly among those who identify with Celtic heritage or spirituality. They are often used as a symbol of strength, freedom, and the cycles of life and

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