Timeless Art: Traditions and Skills from Fathers to Daughters
Kristin ShawShare
Times are changing, yet everything is staying the same! The Quick Silver die production mint has been all packed up and transported from California to New Mexico as die artist Michael Stewart and manufacturer Clem enjoys a well-deserved retirement.

Michael started Quick Silver in 1977 with just three designs: a pocket full of silver coins and a sledgehammer. Though Mike was strong as an ox in his day, he was smarter than to continue the backbreaking work of manually pressing coins. Through his research, he learned of Leonardo da Vinci's drop-hammer coin mint and saved money to design and build one for himself. With a more efficient production method, Michael was able to spend more time crafting dyes, increasing the designs in Quick Silver's arsenal, a collection inspired by ancient symbols.
During this time, to further increase the time he could spend designing coins, Michael involved his friend, Clem. By the early '80s, Clem and Mike were collaborating, with Clem producing dies designed by Michael. Since its humble beginnings, Quick Silver has grown as a partnership between Michael and Clem, a time-tested friendship that has lasted for more than 40 years. Michael and his friend have crafted over 150 unique die patterns through their work. Clem and Michael have worked on more projects than they can remember.

Michael plans to take his rowboat out in the Noyo River in his free time, enjoy nature, and spend time with his family. He's also excited to have more time to create new designs and has been passing down his knowledge of the pantograph to artisans by holding die-carving classes. Clem plans on spending time with grandchildren, passing some of the old ways. We wish them a happy semi-retirement, although we know they'll still watch over our shoulders!
As Michael and Clem enter retirement, they've passed the torch to their daughters, Kristin and Somisawhel, who will continue the legacy of friendship that their fathers created. Kristin will take over the business side of Quick Silver while Somisawhel will inherit Quick Silver's and her father's production.
Somisawhel will utilize the masterful techniques passed down to her by Clem. At the same time, Kristin will keep Michael's spirit at heart as she continues to lead the business in line with Michael's values.
Time has passed down Quick Silver to the next generation of artisans, though our timeless designs prove that quality art is immortal. We are very excited about Quick Silver's future and commit ourselves to creating beautiful, long-lasting jewelry.