Aries Buttons
Aries Buttons
Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac, the ram. It lies between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. In Greek mythology, this is believed to represent the ram who carried Athamas's son Phrixus and daughter Helle to Colchis to escape their stepmother Ino. Helle fell off into the sea which later became the Hellespont. On reaching safety, Phrixis (rather ungratefully) sacrificed the ram and hung its fleece in the Grove of Ares, where it turned to gold and later became the quest of Jason and the Argonauts.
The astrological sign Aries (March 21 - April 19) is associated with the constellation. In some cosmologies, Aries is associated with the classical element Fire, and thus called a fire sign (with Sagittarius and Leo). Its polar opposite is Libra. Aries represents the first stage in the evolutionary process of the zodiac: birth.
Since 1972, Quick Silver Mint has been creating authentic handmade medallions, which are available through their catalog and at festivals throughout the United States. Now, the designs are available here as buttons.
Each symbol, inspired by myth and legend, originates from ancient stone carvings, pottery, or other artifacts. Understanding these symbols may enhance your journey of self-discovery.
We have spent over 30 years researching and creating magical jewelry based on symbols worldwide. We are very proud to mint over 100 designs.
If you want to learn more about our designs, please visit our Symbol Gallery.