Lightning Buttons
Lightning Buttons
Lightning is a powerful and awe-inspiring phenomenon, capable of striking fear into the hearts of those who witness it. It is often seen as a message from a higher source, a divine intervention sent to awaken us to our surroundings. To the Native Americans, lightning was a symbol of creativity and the energy of the winking Thunderbird. It is a symbol of both creation and destruction, representing the dual nature of fire and water. Lightning is a reminder that we are at the mercy of nature's power and must respect it accordingly.
Since 1972, Quick Silver Mint has been creating authentic handmade medallions, which are available through their catalog and at festivals throughout the United States. Now, the designs are available here as buttons.
Each symbol, inspired by myth and legend, originates from ancient stone carvings, pottery, or other artifacts. Understanding these symbols may enhance your journey of self-discovery.
We have spent over 30 years researching and creating magical jewelry based on symbols worldwide. We are very proud to mint over 100 designs.
If you want to learn more about our designs, please visit our Symbol Gallery.