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Thor's Hammer Buttons

Thor's Hammer Buttons

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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Thor was the Nordic God of thunder and lightning, a powerful warrior akin to Zeus or perhaps Hercules. Thor was widely worshiped in pre-Christian Europe, and until the 11th century, shrines in Scandinavia and even England were still devoted to his worship. Thursday derives from his holy day, "Thor's Day".

Thor's hammer brought lightning and thunder, and Thor's hammers as talismans were revered as sacred relics and power sources, particularly for warriors about to enter the field of battle.
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Since 1972, Quick Silver Mint has been creating authentic handmade medallions, which are available through their catalog and at festivals throughout the United States. Now, the designs are available here as buttons.

Each symbol, inspired by myth and legend, originates from ancient stone carvings, pottery, or other artifacts. Understanding these symbols may enhance your journey of self-discovery.

We have spent over 30 years researching and creating magical jewelry based on symbols worldwide. We are very proud to mint over 100 designs.

If you want to learn more about our designs, please visit our Symbol Gallery.